The Laptop's Battery Does Not Charge: Replace Battery?
A Laptop and Workspace setup
A workspace set up for WFH Jobs, MSME online work, or professional work as content creator or web producer, is a good long-term investment.
All one needs is a:
- sturdy laptop,
- smartphone
- printer,
- and all basic laptop accessories.
After obtaining the basics, one other important investment is security software for online work.
"A penny saved is a penny earned"
We are in a fortunate time. The experience of the pandemic and climate change has made many people in the world more conservative or minimalist in attitude - a very good opportunity not to waste anything hard-earned, especially if done with honesty. Once this outlook is balanced with the hope of a better future for all, a direction towards growth in work and life can begin again.
The world is beginning to value life and resources again, and conscious of its responsibility for both the common good and the the greater good. Governments and businesses are aware of their concern for the individual, his work and his family, and their needs at present.
With a moderate discipline, one can begin again to earn and save. AI is creating new opportunities for all. Its evolving technology is now integrated into the basics of all smartphones, laptops, and other mobile devices.
When your laptop battery begins to charge slowly or not at all
What to do when your laptop battery does not charge?
There is no need to rush and buy a replacement at once.
Seek advice from others how it can be fixed. The experience of others or a series of searches online might fix it.
A true story during the last months of the pandemic
As an example, let us share a story from Q1 2023.
Someone's laptop battery suddenly does not charge.
He thought of the laptop battery as the immediate cause of the problem.
Since he knew of a repair shop nearby, he went to inquire.
The advice of a technician
After inquiring from a technician at the repair shop, the technician was kind enough to tell him the truth.
The technician told him that if the laptop battery does not charge anymore, there are two possible causes to the problem: it may be the laptop battery itself or the battery charger.
He added, "If the laptop battery does not discharge at a fast rate, then the cause of the problem is not the battery, but the charger, or as they call it, the AC adapter".
The technician told him that the AC adapter's cord nearer the plug loosens quickly, and wears out fast due to frequent handling and bending.
Deciding to fix the problem
So he asked the technician if they have a replacement for the AC adapter, but the technician reported that their store did not have one at present.
The technician made a phone call to their supplier, but the supplier replied that they also do not have a replacement for a new AC adapter.
What was the reason?
It was still Q1 of 2023, the WHO had not declared the end of the pandemic, and many manufacturers and distributors that sell the AC adapter were temporarily closed.
He needed to wait. Or think and find another way to fix it, because a laptop charger or AC adapter is important to continue any work with the laptop.
"Where there's a will, there's a way"
He went home and thought of a solution to fix the problem.
He searched at Google and YouTube and discovered a video to fix the laptop charger.
Following the instructions from a YouTube video, he placed strong and thick black electrical tape around the cord.
When he plugged in the laptop charger, the laptop battery began to charge again.
Never giving up is a wise decision
He then placed the laptop charger or AC adapter in an area were it can stay fixed and stable.
With his new charger setup, there was no need to repeatedly handle the charger's plug and the cord wound up with strong black electrical tape.
This work saved him much time and money, and the trouble to look for a replacement while the economy had not opened up yet.
A positive attitude and a growth mindset
Work and life are filled with challenges. A positive attitude and a growth mindset can meet those challenges.
A positive attitude means choosing to see problems or anything negative opportunities to solve, learn, and earn. A growth mindset means deciding to learn from one's experience and level up from that to produce what is good or better.
In the experience mentioned above, the problem led to an opportunity to learn more, work for a solution, and save time and money.
Remember what Laddie F. Hutar said: "Success consists of a series of little daily victories." Practicing a positive attitude and growth mindset will lead to victories - little at first, but directed to more important ones.
Additional advice from the wise
A teacher of web development taught our class online, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day."
Teach a man "how to fish" and you feed him for a lifetime.
Applying what the web development teacher said to technology: "Teach a man how to search the internet and you will feed him for a lifetime."
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